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Book cover illustration

History and Postal History of Nova Scotia

Martin Eichele
Released July 2016. Exhibit series # 91.
276 pages, 8.5x11, spiral bound.
Colour C$ 46.00 [ISBN 978-1-927119-68-6].

Martin Eichele’s History and Postal History of Nova Scotia is not a traditional BNAPS Exhibit series book. In this volume, he is showing his complete collection of Nova Scotia material in a historical context to tell the full story of Nova Scotia. In competitive exhibiting, the material would have to be split into a traditional collection, at least one postal history exhibit and a thematic exhibit. In addition to full coverage of the stamps of Nova Scotia and their use on mail, there are extensive sections showing overland and maritime mail between Nova Scotia, the adjacent postal entities of New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland and St. Pierre & Miquelon, Upper and Lower Canada, and the United States and the United Kingdom. Among the many covers are historic items from the capture and return of Louisbourg in 1748-1751 and the “Aroostook War� of 1839.

Martin Eichele was born into a family of philatelists. Following in the footsteps of his father and grandfather, and through a fortunate meeting with Robson Lowe, after university Martin became a professional philatelist, running the Zürich auctions for Christie’s-Robson Lowe. In 1985, he started his own philatelic business, which now specializes in expertising work, mostly for European auction companies. Part of Martin’s Nova Scotia collection, shown at BNAPEX 2013 CHARLOTTETOWN, received a Gold award, the Meyerson Award for an Exhibit of the Provinces and Territories before Confederation, and the Order of the Beaver Novice Award. A different version received a Gold and the Horace Harrison Grand Award for the Best Exhibit at BNAPEX 2015 Niagara Falls. All pages shown at either or both BNAPEX 2013 and 2015 are included in this volume.

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